Elite Health Management For Women

Women are so different than men – we’ve listened to what you’ve been saying.
As a woman, you know your body is aging – but you want to be sure you’re making the right choice.
You’re not looking to be a body builder or crazy with sex; more likely you want to look and feel better, to control the aging process so you can enjoy your family and live a healthy and full life.
It’s confusing what you hear – fad diets and news flashes and so many supplements and herbal remedies that might help.
Restore Your Energy

During the aging process, hormone levels of progesterone and testosterone drop significantly, giving the first unpleasant symptoms, and finally estrogen levels fall with multiple dramatic body and mind changes. Because every woman is unique, your health is a delicate internal balance that has to be managed with a clear understanding of the home and environment you live in, your stress and your lifestyle.
At Cenegenics India, the Executive Health Evaluation is the protocol we use to show you what’s out of balance, and to create the customized plan to get quickly back on track. Whether you are trapped by brain fog, or losing the battle with weight and loss of muscle tone, wishing to restore youthful energy and the joys of sharing life with your family and friends- we will create the solution that you can trust and feel alive again.
Youthful Skin and Beauty as You Age
Do you have these Symptoms? At Cenegenics India, we know the changes that frustrate you!
• Weight gain, abdomen and hips
• Hot flashes/flushes
• Low bone density, risk of Osteopenia
• Concerns about your Heart and Blood Pressure
• Decreased energy, morning or afternoons
• Lack of skin elasticity, dull skin
• Irritability, anxiety, mood swings
• Decreased Libido, no interest
• Poor memory and focus
• Aches, pains and stiff joints
• Higher Cholesterol
• Concern about sugar and diabetes
• Metabolic syndrome
• Vaginal Dryness, sexual discomfort
• Breast changes
• Poor sleep, sleeplessness
• Uncertainty about health risks
• Skin wrinkling, sagging, rapid aging
• Loss of muscle mass and tone
• Decreased stamina
• Excessive stress, unhappiness
You pay attention to your outer body – now it’s time to pay attention to your internal body and get into balance. You deserve a healthy aging plan to reverse the declines of aging and protect your future health span.
We partner with you to create the custom comprehensive plan to restore your Female Health – proactive, preventative aging management.
Your medically supervised program provides you with clear direction from your personal team, reasonable expectations, medical guidance and supervision, hormone replacement when clinically indicated, and vitamin supplementation based on your needs and goals.