Getting to Know You – Once you schedule your Elite Health Evaluation with us, you will be sent a thorough Health & Lifestyle Questionnaire, Neuro-Psychological Assessment, Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency Assessment and BDI II Analysis form. A complete picture of your lifestyle, physical and mental health lets us provide you the best care. It is most important that the forms are completed and  returned to our office well in advance of your evaluation to allow proper preparation.

Your Personal Blueprint to Elite Health


Bloodwork Blueprint

At Cenegenics India, we look beyond the routine testing, which inevitably leads to routine diagnoses and routine care. With a panel of over 90 lab tests to find out not only what conditions you may currently have, but equally as important, what future risks you may have. Think of it as a hormonal and metabolic blueprint. For your convenience, we schedule a time for a phlebotomist to come to your home or office and draw the labs in advance of your visit. Because of the specialized labs we are ordering, processing takes approximately 2 weeks.

Elite Health Evaluation

Our evaluation process is highly personalized and can last up to seven hours. The day is composed of additional diagnostics and goal-oriented consultations. We use your Elite Health baseline results to develop a personalized medical program designed to help you look and feel younger, and fully rejuvenated. Our evaluation processes help identify and meet the criteria that will place you in the lowest possible risk category for disease—and extend your health span.

Reclaim Your Peak Vitality Now!


As a result of Cenegenics India’s extensive testing and analysis of each individual’s current health status, and the formulation of a personalized plan JUST FOR YOU, you will typically experience remarkable boosts in energy, increased mental acuity, revitalized sex drive and performance, strengthened immune system, increased lean muscle, reduced body fat, lifted mood, decreased stress and improved skin tone.

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Cenegenics India
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